Timo Santalainen is a Finnish academic and consultant.
Dr. Santalainen's professional career has been a combination of academia, business and consulting. Currently he is President of STRATNET, a Geneva-based network of strategy advisors, and Adjunct Professor of Strategy and International Management at Helsinki School of Economics and Lappeenranta University of Technology. His previous academic positions include professorships at Thunderbird School of Global Management, Texas Tech University and Management Centre Europe. He has held senior executive positions in banking and retailing in Finland, and senior consultant positions at MANNET (Geneva) and S.A.M.I. (Finland).
Dr. Santalainen's most recent field of interest is strategic management and thinking in transformational and parastatal organizations such as telecommunications, energy, sports, public and professional services and research. He has been an advisor on strategy and a Board member for many of these organizations through the world. Dr. Santalainen has served as the Executive Vice President of Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB), President of Development Commission and President of World Plan Task Force of FIVB. He is also a Founding Member of Strategic Management Society and Senior Member of Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of eight books, numerous chapters in books and articles in leading international publications.